Acta Neurologica Taiwanica Instructions for Authors

Acta Neurologica Taiwanica publishes informative and intriguing reviews on topics related with neurology, and original researches or case reports that provide clues in understanding the mechanisms or treatment strategies of neurological diseases. All areas of clinical and basic neuroscience are of interest to the journal.

Online Submission
Since October 2010, authors are required to submit their manuscripts electronically. LogIn/login.asp. An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the authors within two workdays with an assigned manuscript number for their manuscript. Manuscripts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated, not have been published elsewhere, and not be under consideration by another journal. Every article will be thoroughly inspected by Editors prior to peer review. Decisions are made based on the comments of Editors and reviewers.

Editorial / Views

Editorial and Views will be written in-house or solicited by the Editors.

Review articles will be solicited by the Editors. Historical reviews are also accepted for consideration.

Original articles
Original articles are full-length reports of original clinical or basic researches.

Case reports
Consent for publication in print and electronically must be obtained from the patient or, if this is not possible,patients’ relatives.

Clinical pictures

We will consider clear and interesting Clinical pictures submitted with a descriptive paragraph of up to 300 words. Authors must obtain signed informed consent from the patient.

Correspondence letters on content published in Acta Neurological Taiwanica are not usually peer-reviewed. The journal might invite replies from the authors of the original publication, or pass on letters to these authors.

Manuscripts should be written in English and submitted in the form of Microsoft Word. The formation should be double-spaced, including text, tables, legends and references, at A4 paper dimensions, using a 12-point font size and a default typeface (e.g., recommended fonts are Times, Times New Roman, Courier, Helvetica and Arial). Set the left margin at one inch, and the right margin at one-half inch or more. Do not justify the right margin; leave it unaligned.
The submissions should include (in the order):

Cover letter
The cover letter should include (1) corresponding author’s name, degrees and affiliations, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address; (2) An acknowledgement that all authors have read and approved submission of the manuscript, and the manuscript has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, and in any language.

Title page
The title page should contain all of the following informations: (1) title and running head; (2) all authors’ names, degrees and affiliations; (3) corresponding author’s contact information.

Abstract will be required in Reviews, Original articles, and Case reports. The abstract will be limited within 250 words. Abstracts of Original articles must be submitted in the following structure: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abstracts of Case report must be submitted in the following structure: Purpose, Case report, and Conclusion. Up to five key words are asked to list following the abstract.

The structures of the text should include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Each abbreviation should be defined at the first time it appears. References should be cited using superscript numerals, e.g. 1 or 3-6.

All sources of support for the present work should be mentioned in this section.

Cite references in the numerical order in which they first appear in the text. These should be in the Vancouver style. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus style, and all authors should be listed. Sample styles are as followed:

Journal articles
Chen CC, Luo CL, Wang SJ, Chern CM, Fuh JL, Hu HH. Colour Doppler imaging for diagnosis of intracranial hypotension. Lancet 1999;354:826-829.

Chu NS, Hochberg FH, Calne DB, Olanow CW. Neurotoxicology of manganese. In: Chang LW, Dyer RS. Eds. Handbook of Neurotoxicology. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995,91-103.

Tables should be cited in order of appearance in the text. Each table should be given a number and a brief informative title. Please arrange each table on a separate page.

Figure Legends
Type double-spaced on pages separate from the text and figures. Provide one legend for each figure, and number legends in sequence.

Figures should be cited in order of appearance. Please do not import illustrations into PowerPoint or Word. Digital photography files should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and be at least 75 mm wide. Figures of other patterns must be submitted in TIFF, JPG, or GIF format.

In accordance with journal implementation of the Copyright Law, author will release the first and subsidiary rights of their manuscript at submission. A letter containing the submission date and signatures of all authors is required.

Reprints will be available when ordered in advance to publication. An order form will be sent to the author before publication.

Please contact Editorial office by email or by phone. The subscription rate is NT$1500 per year (Foreign US$ 75 per year).

Professor Han-Hwa Hu, Editor-in-Chief Department of Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Floor 16, No 201, Section 2, Shipai Road, Beitou District, Taipei, Taiwan.
TEL: (02) 2874-1073